
I was absolutely thrilled to be interviewed by Ryan Montgomery & Aaron Christian for Travel Conversations – Australia’s first dedicated tourism industry podcast.

Travel Conversations is about tapping into the business experiences of industry figures, mentors and aspiring leaders. A place where business and personal learnings are shared, and secrets of success (and perhaps the occasional failure) are discussed.

I enjoyed every minute with Ryan and Aaron, and am very proud of their efforts launching this terrific enterprise. For a little over half-an-hour we discuss the journey from volunteering to stamp brochures in a travel agency, nervously asking if it might be alright if I were paid to do the work I was doing (The boss didn’t know I wasn’t being paid. Lesson: Don’t be afraid to Ask!), how we made use of a Lazy-Susan in an office (with not a chopstick in sight), the benefits of a quick office huddle, and some of the milestones on the way to where the Spencer Group of Companies is today.

We also discuss the importance of mentoring and the role of the TIME (Travel Industry Mentor Experience) program – a program I founded to provide knowledge and support to upcoming travel industry professionals – something I’m truly passionate about. There are some wonderfully clever people in our industry just itching to share their experiences with aspiring leaders.

I’m sure my experience isn’t entirely unique: setting out on a journey and not really knowing where you’re headed. I really look forward to listening to more Travel Conversations podcasts and gleaning insights into successful travel industry people. The stories will, no doubt, be wonderfully diverse. But I’ll bet there’s one thing behind every success: Hard work.

You can follow Travel Conversations on Facebook and, if you’re interested in my story, put the kettle on, pour yourself a cup of tea (or a glass of something more lively) and click HERE.
